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Oracle, PL/SQL, Developer/2000, Forms 3.0, Oracle DBA

I have been working in TISCO Automation since 01-JUN-1999.
Seeking a challenging position as an Oracle application developer.
22 Months of experience in Database using Oracle 7.x/8.x
Strong Development and Implementation skills.
Excellent communication skills and onsite coordination skills.


Perform physical database design based on analysis of business requirements.
Identify, analyze, and correct database application performance problems.
Design and development of forms and reports using Oracle Application Tools.
Programming with PL/SQL .
Development of backend packages, triggers, procedures and functions.
SQL tuning using explain plan, sqltrace and TKPROF.
Monitoring and optimizing the performance of the application.


OPERATING SYSTEMS Windows NT 4.0, VMS 6.2, Unix

DATABASES Oracle 8i/7.1 (PL/SQL, SQL* Loader, Oracle Export/Import utilities)

FRONT END Developer/2000

EDUCATION B.E. in Metallurgy from Sibpur B.E.College, W.B and M.Tech in Metallurgy from I. I. T. Kanpur


1. Cut-Length Optimization System

According to the current practice, slabs of requisite lengths are cut as per a cutting plan. In the event of the abnormality being somewhere close to the edge of the slab, the entire slab gets downgraded resulting in loss of prime slab yield. Cutting the slab into smaller pieces to remove the affected portion may not be feasible on account of acceptable roll-able lengths. "Cut length Optimization System" is aimed at calculating the tentative acceptance norms of slabs in advance of actual slab cut. For this purpose, the system will capture process data and on the basis of tentative cutting plan, compute the acceptance norm of the slab. It will also provide a display of the location of the abnormalities in a slab. Since this decision will be available in advance, it will provide the TSFP personnel, time to alter the cutting plan so that the abnormalities can be segregated in minimum number of slabs.

Role: Responsible for the analysis, design, development and testing of the software for the project. I have been responsible for development of forms, reports, backend programs like procedures, functions, packages, triggers. This project is in detail design phase.
Environment: Compaq Alpha DS20E UNIX Server, Oracle 8i, WEBDB,
Designer/2000 and PL/SQL

2. Automated Ladle Tracking System

The ladles that carry liquid steel after the steel making stage to the intermediate shops and finally to the continuous casting shop need to be closely monitored for the various chemical and thermal treatments carried out on them. These details form input to the various thermal models that are used to predict the ladle temperatures. Prediction of correct ladle temperature is very important for continuous casting operations. For this purpose, the project aims to track the steel ladles as they undergo various treatments at different stations in the shop by using radio communication, interfaces with lower levels of automation and manual entries.

Role : Responsible for the analysis, design, development and testing of the software for the project. I have been following the internal quality system for preparation of project documents, and software. I developed forms using developer/2000 and HHT forms by using Forms 3.0. and have written all the backend procedures and functions. Now I am responsible for database administration.

Environment : VMS 6.2 on DEC ALPHA, ORACLE 7.1, Developer/2000, Designer/2000, Pro*C, PL/SQL

3. Life Monitoring Of Mechanical Equipment

All equipment in general is subjected to wear and tear. Slab producing equipment are no exception. Keeping the above factors in mind it was decided to develop an online system to monitor key slab caster equipment like Segments, Rolls, Mould, Plate. This will help in analyzing the various parameters affecting them and thereby improving on product quality, inventory control and management, and reducing maintenance cost in production

Role : Responsible for the analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of the software for LD2 and Slab Caster departments. Developer 2000 was used to design the manual entry screens and custom reports. I prepared the functional specification, global design and detailed design for the project according to the quality standards of the division. Now I am responsible for database administration.

Environment : VMS 6.2 on DEC ALPHA, ORACLE 7.1, Developer/2000, Designer/2000, Pro*C, PL/SQL

4. Slab Caster Quality Parameter Tracking System

This system is used for tracking the slab quality. Considering the requirements of the final product in terms of end-user, surface and internal conditions, the target slab quality is determined. Quality planning is accomplished automatically by using database. All process data and events relevant to slab quality are captured in real-time and tagged with a particular slab segment from a distributed control system connected through field instruments. The actual slab quality is determined by comparing target process parameters with the actual on-line values using the database.

Role: Complete understanding of the system, maintained PL/SQL procedures and functions in the backend. Prepared the initial reports layout and final preparation of the reports asked by the Customer Department. Developed Various reports using Forms 3.0. I am doing performance tuning of the database. I am monitoring and administering the database now.

Environment : VMS 6.2 on DEC ALPHA, ORACLE 7.1, Developer/2000, Designer/2000, Pro*C, PL/SQL, FORMS 3.0
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