Dalvir Singh
Date of Birth : 13th Jan 1975.
Area of Interest : Application Development using Visual Basic 5/6 with SQL/Oracle as back-end.
Professional : Two-Year Full-time MBA (Information Systems) from
FMS-IIRM, Jaipur during 1997-99.
Academic : B.Sc. (Chemistry) from Dr. B.R.A. University, Agra during 1993-96.
Others : One year Diploma in Information and System Management (DISM) from
Aptech Computer Centre, Mathura.
1.Company : Intecon Softwares, Jaipur.
Duration : One year, from Aug-96 to Jul-97
Platform : FoxPro (2.5) & Visual Basic
2. Company : Astrosoft Infotech, Jaipur.
Duration : 11 months, From Jul,99 onwards.
Platform : Visual Basic 6 with Access and SQL Server
3. Company : IOC, Mathura Refinery, Mathura
Duration : 8 Months, Jun-Jul, 98 and Jan-Jun, 99.
Platform : Visual Basic 5 with Access and Oracle 7.3 along with VAX-VMS system.
Computer Skills
4GLs : Visual Basic(5.0) , Developer 2000.
RDBMS : Oracle 7.3 (Enterprise Edition), SQL Server(6.5), and MS Access (7.0)
Scripting : VBScript, HTML,JScript.
DBMS : FoxPro (2.5), FoxPro (2.6) for windows & Visual FoxPro.
Language : C, C++
Platform : Windows NT, Windows98, SCO-Unix, Novell NetWare (3.03) &
Methodologies : SSAD, MIS
Web Application Development : ASP on Visual Interdev (6.0)
Others : Oracle DBA, Software Engineering, DFS, Networking.
Projects Undertaken
A. 1st Industrial Internship (Two months during Jun-Jul, 1998)
Organization : Mathura Refinery, a subsidiary of Indian Oil Corporation Limited.
Title : "Process Monitoring System".
Platform : Windows NT
Front-end : Microsoft Visual Basic (5.0)
Back-end : Access 7.0
Summary : The aim of this project was to develop a Graphic User Interface
for MIS. This GUI application draws graphs by using :
>Real time data updation by connecting through process computer VAX-4300 at
>every 10 seconds.
>Passive data connecting to a jet engine (Access-7.0)
>Historical trends stored in memory of local machine during run-time.
B. 2nd Industrial Internship (Six months from Jan to Jun ' 1999)
Organization : Mathura Refinery
Title : "Advanced Process Monitoring System".
Platform : Windows NT, VAX-VMS
Front-end : Microsoft Visual Basic (5.0)
Back-end : Access 7.0, Oracle 7.3
Summary : Objective of this project is advancement of earlier developed
Process monitoring system and to develop a complete Client-Server
architecture. The following features are added in this project:
>The server would continuously run on Oracle server and save data of
>different scan intervals by reading from Process Servers (VAX--4300 or
>Digital Alpha-2100).
>Earlier developed front-end application was converted into a client
>component that would fetch Real Time Data from DCS computers.
>Client program can link with remote central server through network from any
>where in Refinery to fetch history trend of user selected time interval
>averages that are stored in Oracle.
>Fetching Real Time data at intervals defined by user.
>Extensive Query facility to get user specified condition based data &
>corresponding time.
>Facility to visualize values of up to sixteen tags graphically as well as
>in tabular form.
>Facility to add/delete/edit/validity check of tags in Oracle server each
>time the client program starts.
C. At Astrosoft, Jaipur.
I have worked on following modules:
1. FCCA ( A FCC Analyst application)
Platform : VB 6.0 with SQL Server.
Summary : A tool for management to analyze the outputs in Refining Industry.
2. Paul White & Co. ( A USA base insurance company)
Platform : VB 6.0 and SQL Server.
Summary : A customized tool for complete functioning of company.
3. PRS (Precision Risk Surveys ).
Platform VB 6.0 and Access 7.0
Summary : A customized application to work offline and updating data required
for Web based Insurance company (Precision Risk Surveys at PRsurveys.com).
4. Boxscore 5.0
Platform VB 6.0 and Access 7.0
Summary :A monthly magazine based software developed for Gulf Inc, USA.
which gives information of chemical based projects running worldwide.
5. SFUSD (San Francisco Unified Schools District).
Platform : VB 6.) and SQL Server.
Summary : A school project to mainting permits to allow people to use school property
on rent basis.
6. SFS (Sales Forecasting System )
Platform : VB 6.0 and SQL Server.
Summary : A customised Forecasting application that can forecast data based on
previous experience. Developed for Engelhard, USA.
D. Other projects:
1. Title : "Video Library System".
Details : Developed as a part of academics at Aptech, Mathura. It can automate the video library management process.
Tool Used : FoxPro (2.6) for windows on Win 3.11 Platform.
2. Title : "Personnel Management System".
Details : Developed for Intecon Software Solutions, Jaipur..
Tools : FoxPro (2.5).
3. Title : "Hotel Management System"
Details : Developed for Intecon Software Solutions, Jaipur..
Tools : FoxPro (2.5)
4. Title : "Library Management System".
Details : Developed for Library of FMS-IIRM, Jaipur.
Platform : Windows - 95
Tools : Microsoft Visual Basic (5.0) with Microsoft Access.
5. Title : "Automation of Super Market".
Details : Developed as a part of academics in Sem-III at FMS-IIRM, Jaipur.
Platform : Windows-95.
Tools : Microsoft Visual Basic (5.0) with Microsoft Access.
6. Title : "Gadole" - a Gas Agency maintenance application.
Details : Developed for Mathura gas Service.
Platform : Windows-95.
Tools : Microsoft Visual Basic (5.0) with Microsoft Access.
7. Title : "Voctra", A program that maintains records of vocational training.
Details : Developed for Training Department, Mathura Refinery.
Platform : Windows-NT
Tools : Visual FoxPro(3.0)
8. Title : "Textile scheduling system",
Details : Developed as Academics in Semester III at IIRM, Jaipur. It can
maintain records of Looms and loading in textile industry.
Platform : Windows 95
Tools : Developer 2000/Oracle 7.3