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Chicken Loaf 


  • 1 cup chicken, boiled and shredded
  • 3 medium sized potatoes, boiled and mashed
  • 1 cup cooked corn niblets 
  • 1/4 cup cheese
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 tsp chaat masala
  • Salt, pepper to taste 
  • Boil the chicken with salt and pepper. Once cooked, shred it. 
  • Boil the potatoes with a little salt. Once cooked, mash the potatoes with butter and chaat masala. 
  • Boil the corn niblets till cooked. 
  • Knead the chicken, potatoes, corn and, cheese well. Add salt and pepper to taste. This essentially is the chicken dough. 
  • Roll the "chicken dough" into the shape of a loaf of bread. Cover tightly with a plastic wrap and refrigerate for atleast 2 hours. 
Serve warm.
Chicken dishes
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