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Dry Jhunka
- Besan 100 grams
- Tomatoes one medium size
- Onion two medium size
- Garlic 6-7 cloves
- Ginger about 10-15 grams
- Salt to taste
- Coriander leaves
- Cummin seeds half tea spoon
- Mustard seed half tea spoon
- Hing powder
- Cut tomato into bits and mix it with besan and chopped coriander
leaves and water and salt.
- Make sure to use minimum quantity of water.
- Then place a dry frying pan on the hotplate.
- When the pan is hot enough add to it three table spoons of vegetable
- Later add half table spoon of cummin seed followed by mustard seed
in the pan.
- When the mustard seed begin to crack add to it paste of garlic and
ginger. After stirring the paste well in oil add finely chopped onion
to the pan.
- Fry the pan till it turns light brown.
- Then pour the mixture of besan and tomato containing salt and chopped
coriander leaves into the pan.
- Continuously stir the content in the pan to till the the whole thing
becomes almost dry and turns light brown.