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Spicy Meatballs  


  • 1 pound ground meat 
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup fresh bread, crumbled
  • 1/3 cup grated cheese 
  • 1/6 cup finely chopped cilantro 
  • 1/6 cup finely chopped/crushed ginger and garlic 
  • Green Chillies finely chopped 
  • 5 tbsp Meat Masala powder 
  • Salt and Pepper 
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 1/6 cup khoya/whipping cream 
  • Green Mint leaves chopped 
  • Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl, and mix with a wooden spoon  until all ingredients are blended. Using tablespoon as a scoop, place 2 scoops of meat mixture in palm of hand, rolling to form meatball. (Rinse hands in cold water/oil in between.) Continue until mixture is used up. 
  • At the same time heat water(simmering) in a saucepan (until you see vapor coming out - but not boiling). Drop a couple of meatballs and see if the shape is being maintained, otherwise add some more bread crumbs to the mixture and try again. Put the meatballs and let them be in the water for 10 minutes. You can take them out now. They are now ready for use. You can store them in freezer if needed. They can cook in the gravy for another 10 minutes. They can be pan fried with noodles, or you can make Machurian Meatballs with them, etc. 
  • For making the gravy, it is just like making any meatdish gravy Add a little more water and then put the meatballs in the gravy and simmer for 10 minutes.
Redmeat dishes
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