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Carrot Kheer  


  • Fresh-Slender-long Carrots- 4-5 
  • 1/2 litre cream milk . 
  • Sugar 2 Cups. 
  • Cardamom Powdered - 1/2 tsp
  • Cashews and Almonds sliced - 5-6.
  • Wash and Peel-off the skin of the carrots. Cut the Edges. Then boil the carrot by keeping it in the pressure cooker. 
  • Meanwhile boil the cream milk in a big thick bottomed vessel. Boil the milk and keep it aside. 
  • Grind the boiled carrot in the mixture,into a paste and then add the carrot paste into the boiling milk. And keep the mixture again in the gas stove. 
  • Stir constantly. 
  • Add the Cup of Sugar. 
  • Add Cardamom and leave until the mixture comes to a boiling state or until the raw smell of the carrot goes.
  • Then sprinkle the shredded cashwes and almonds. 
  • Let it cool for sometime.
Serve either hot or after refrigerating it.
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