guy got in a crowded bus and to show-off, told to the conductor: "You seemed to have collected all kinds of
animals in the bus." Conductor: Not all of them were there till you came. A donkey
was missing.
accountants firm was named as Patel & Patel & Patel &
Patel. A person called the firm and asked: Can I speak to Mr Patel? Reply: Mr Patel has gone for lunch. Person: Can I speak to other Mr Patel? Reply: Mr Patel is out of town. Person: Can I speak to third Mr Patel? Reply: Mr Patel is not in his seat. Person: Can I speak to last Mr Patel? Reply: Patel speaking.
1: My husband can speak on any topic. He is so intelligent. Lady 2: My husband does not even need a topic to speak even
for hours. He is a politician.
don’t send me to the hospital, I know what will happen.
Hospital will grab my purse,
Switch me from nurse to nurse,
I will go from bad to worse,
And end up in a hearse.
How much do you charge for a haircut ? Barber: Forty Rupees. Customer: How much for a shave? Barber : Twenty. Customer: Right - shave my head.
My mom took me to the cemetery last Sunday. Sonia: Oh! anyone dead? Sunny: Yes All of them
: Why are you not coming to the club dance tonight? Shanu: Because there is a law against it. Ramesh : Which law? Shamu: My mother-in-law.
How much is "two and two"? 1st Candidate: (Doctor) Twenty two 2nd Candidate: (Engineer) Four 3rd Candidate: (Lawyer) Could be twenty two or four 4th Candidate: (Chartered Accountant) How much do you want?