Are you trying to make a fool of me? Dolly: Oh No, I don’t interfere with nature
1: Give me a cigarette Guy 2: I thought you have stopped smoking Guy 1: I am at the first stage. I have stopped buying.
could have been…
a farmer - but the idea never cropped up
an author - but it wasn’t write for me
a parachutist - but nothing ever opened up
drunk was brought to court. Judge: "Mister, You have been brought here for drinking" Guy: "Great! When do we start".
"Which is closer to us Sri Lanka or the moon"? Student: "The Moon." Teacher: " Why" Student: "We can see the moon but not Sri Lanka"
girl on a visit to a museum asked to the attendant "How
old is this dinosaur?" Attendant: "Three million years and seven months" Girl: " That’s amazing. How do you calculate so accurately?" Attendant: "When I joined here it was three million
years old, and I have been here for seven months"
were two twins - one minister and other a physician. It was difficult
to tell them apart.
A man asked one brother, one day "Are you the one who preaches"
He replied: "No, I am the one who practices"
English Language:
We drive on parkways and park on driveways
Someone plays a recital and someone recites a play
When you send something by car, It is shipment and when you send
it by ship it is cargo.