Rubber Testing Equipments
Low Temperature Hose bending test
Chamber (Horizontal)
This equipment is designed for testing of Rubber Hose bending at low
temperature with separate hose bending mechanism; in this equipment
can be test deferent type of Rubber & Rubber products. The low
temperature will created by Cascade Refrigeration system The testing
can be carried out as per IS 3440, ASTM D-751/2137 (Method B) and
many more test methods used for cold test. The chamber maintains a
uniform atmosphere of cold dried air at specified temperature. The
equipment model no. as follows.
Model No. |
Volume |
Size (W x L x H) |
Temperature Range |
160 Liters |
18"x 18"x 30" |
Ambient to (-) 50°C |
Hose Bending
The low temperature hose bending mechanism manufactured with
mechanical system, gear with changeable cam to bend the 15 mm OD
Hose without disrobing the inner temperature, the bend can be made
from out side of chamber by the turning wheel up to 90 & 180 deg.
